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Fisheries (Fishing of Sea Cucumbers) Regulations 2023

Le gouvernement a donné son feu vert pour la promulgation de cette regulation qui va reglementer la pèche des concombres de mer dans le pays et dans la zone économique exclusive et dans les iles.

Cabinet has taken note that the Fisheries (Fishing of Sea Cucumbers) Regulations 2023 would be promulgated by the Minister of Blue Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries and Shipping. The Regulations would provide for a moratorium on the sea cucumber fishing in the lagoon around Mauritius for a further period of six years, from 01 January 2024 to 31 December 2029, with a view to allowing the existing mature adults to reproduce and also allow the juveniles to grow and attain sexual maturity. Only semi-industrial fishing vessels would be granted authorisation to fish for sea cucumbers in the fishing banks, whereas in Mauritius island, the sea cucumber harvesting would only be authorised beyond 15 nautical miles (instead of 12 nautical miles as was currently the case) from the shoreline of Mauritius.
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