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Le port du Masque au Parlement maintenant optionel

Faisant suite à un point soulevé par Le leader de l’Opposition lors de la séance parlementaire du 17 octobre 2023 , le Speaker a annoncé que le du masque sanitaire est dorénavant optionnel dans l’Assemblée Nationale lors des travaux.

Honourable Members, Before we proceed with the business of the House today, I have two announcements to make. Firstly, following the point taken by the Honourable Leader of the Opposition at the Sitting of Tuesday last, regarding the wearing of face masks in the Chamber I have to inform the House that in view of the coming into operation of the Quarantine (COVID-19 Restrictions) (Amendment) Regulations (No. 121 of 2023) on 4 September 2023, the wearing of face masks in the Chamber is now optional.

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