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Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill 2023

Le gouvernement a donné son feu vert pour apporter des changements à la Road Traffic Act afin de renofrmer les services de transports, tel les shuttles de 7 à 32 places dans les lieux éloignés.

Cabinet has agreed to the introduction of the Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill 2023 into the National Assembly. The main object of the Bill is to amend the Road Traffic Act with regard to the legal framework governing transport operations. With a view to enhancing transport services in remote areas, provisions would be made to provide for the operation and licensing of shuttle buses, being motor vehicles having a seating capacity of seven or more but not exceeding 32 passengers, which would provide the first and last mile connectivity and link residents to and from those remote areas.

Amendments would also be brought to consolidate the regulatory powers of the National Land Transport Authority and to streamline the licensing process with regard to public service vehicles. In addition, the number of cumulative road traffic offences for which a person would disqualify from driving would be decreased from five offences to four.

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