In a significant move to bolster its sugar industry, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade is partnering with the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) and the Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation in Africa (AfrIPI) project to host a pivotal two-day workshop on the establishment of a geographical indication (GI) for Mauritius Unrefined Sugars.
The workshop, scheduled for August 21st and 22nd, 2024, will convene key stakeholders from the sugar sector, government officials, and intellectual property experts.
The sugarcane industry has been integral to Mauritius’ cultural and economic fabric for centuries, shaping the nation’s identity and heritage. The unique and distinctive flavour of Mauritian unrefined sugars, renowned in international markets, is at this GI initiative’s heart. With their unique qualities, these sugars are a source of pride for all stakeholders involved.
Geographical Indications (GIs) are potent tools that preserve the authenticity and origin of products, ensuring consumers can rely on their quality and unique characteristics. The workshop will delve into a prospective study commissioned by AfrIPI, which explores the feasibility of establishing a GI for Mauritius Unrefined Sugars.
Participants will engage in discussions surrounding the various options for GI registration and the subsequent implementation of the GI label, focusing on the broader benefits of GIs in promoting sustainable development and economic growth.
The workshop’s agenda also includes a sensory exploration of Mauritian unrefined sugars, allowing participants to experience first-hand the distinctive flavours that set them apart. Additionally, visiting the renowned L’Aventure du Sucre Museum will offer a deeper understanding of the island’s rich sugar heritage.
The workshop is anticipated to provide valuable insights into the potential benefits of a GI for Mauritius Unrefined Sugars and foster consensus among stakeholders on the most effective path forward for the registration process. This inclusive initiative, which aligns with the government’s broader commitment to promoting sustainable development in the agricultural sector, promises to create new economic opportunities for farmers and communities by safeguarding and promoting local products.