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Décisions du Conseil des ministres du 4 octobre 2024

Quelques heures avant la dissolution de la Septième Assemblée nationale, les membres du gouvernement ont pris note de la promulgation du (Unmanned Aircraft System) Regulations 2024 qui va concerner l’utilisation des drones civiles dans le pays, Forests and Reserves (Protection of Protected Plants) Regulations 2024 qui va légiférer contre l’exploitation des bois de santal, que le 12 octobre 2024 le président de la République sera l’invité d’honneur à Rodrigues, du calendrier scolaire 2025, de l’élaboration d’un nouveau pour les fortes pluies/pluie torrentielles, tempete tropicales/cyclone pur le service civil entre autres.

1. Cabinet has agreed to the promulgation of the Civil Aviation (Unmanned Aircraft System) Regulations 2024, which provide for an effective regulatory framework to safely manage the civil uses of drones. The Regulations would promote the safe, responsible and lawful operation of unmanned aircraft, encompassing its various types of usage.

2. Cabinet has taken note that the Forests and Reserves (Protection of Protected Plants) Regulations 2024 would be promulgated. The Regulations would address the illegal exploitation and exportation of sandalwood, be it on State or privately owned land.

3. Cabinet has taken note that the Dental Council (Additional Qualifications) (Amendment) Regulations 2024 would be promulgated to provide for recognition and inclusion of additional qualifications obtained by a registered dental practitioner. The Regulations would provide for a clear distinction between clinical and non-clinical qualifications with a view to ensuring that additional clinical qualifications are exclusively obtained following full-time hands-on training.

4. Cabinet has taken note that the Fisheries (Extension of Net Fishing Season) Regulations 2024 would be promulgated for the extension of the Net Fishing Season during the period 01 to 10 October 2024.

5. Cabinet has agreed to Mauritius joining the Member Pledges of the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats which drives international action for speeding up the global response to the rise in synthetic drug threats. The Member Pledges of the Global Coalition call upon Members to, inter alia:
(a) regulate all synthetic drugs and precursors chemicals placed under international control by the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs;
(b) review relevant policies and legislation that impede efforts to effectively address the synthetic drug threats;
(c) develop and expand mechanisms to monitor real-time data on trends in illicit drugs use and commit to share these data; and
(d) expand access and availability of treatment and other public health measures to drug users.

6. Cabinet has agreed to the Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology signing a Letter of Interest for Mauritius to join the IslandWatch Programme of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the holding of a first workshop on 29 October 2024.

Mauritius was identified by the UNESCO Small Island Developing States Section to champion the IslandWatch Programme together with the Republic of Seychelles. The IslandWatch Programme would aim, inter alia, at promoting and enhancing environmental education, ocean literacy, coastal resilience and climate change adaptation from ridges to reefs. It would also involve the design of an adequate information and data management system to be known as IslandWatch Management Information System.

7. Cabinet has agreed to the Ministry of Health and Wellness renewing the existing Memorandum of Understanding with the Medical Research Foundation of Chennai, India, which provides for referral of patients requiring complex ophthalmological interventions not available locally in public health institutions.

8. Cabinet has taken note that His Excellency Mr Prithvirajsing Roopun, GCSK, President of the Republic of Mauritius, would attend, as the Guest of Honour, the Official Ceremony on 12 October 2024 to mark the 22nd Anniversary of the Rodrigues Day, which commemorates the island’s accession to autonomy.

9. Cabinet has taken note that Mauritius received the “Regional Champion Award” from the Universal Postal Union. The award is based on the Universal Postal Union’s Integrated Index for Postal Development which evaluates the capability, maturity and development of the postal sector across 174 countries. The award celebrates the exceptional performance of Mauritius Post Ltd among its regional peers, positioning the country as a leader in the African region’s postal landscape.

10. Cabinet has taken note of the Annual Health Statistics Report for the year 2023 (HSR 2023) for the islands of Mauritius and Rodrigues, which provides comprehensive evidence-based information critical for monitoring population health, evaluating the effectiveness of healthcare services, and informed health policy decisions. The HSR serves as a key document for policymakers, public health officials as well as stakeholders in the healthcare sector.
The HSR 2023 provides valuable insights into the successes and challenges facing the health sector in Mauritius and Rodrigues. The Report would be published on the website of the Ministry of Health and Wellness.

11. Cabinet has taken note that the Ministry of Public Service, Administrative and Institutional Reforms would issue a new Protocol on Heavy/Torrential Rain and Tropical storms/Cyclones for the Public Sector. The overall objective of the new Protocol would be to provide practical guidance on work arrangements in times of heavy rain/localised heavy rain/torrential rain and tropical storms/cyclones and ensure the safety of employees and the service continuity as far as is practicable.

12. Cabinet has taken note of the status of the implementation of water sector projects in Rodrigues being executed by the Rodrigues Public Utilities Corporation.

13. Cabinet has taken note of the school calendar for the Primary and Secondary Sectors for the academic year 2025 as follows:

  1st Term 2nd Term 3rd term
Primary Tuesday 07 January to Friday 11 April
Tuesday 07 January
New entrants admitted to Grade 1
Wednesday 08 January
Resumption of all classes
Monday 28 April to
Friday 18 July
Monday 18 August to Friday 07 November
Secondary Tuesday 07 January to Friday 11 April
Tuesday 07 January
New entrants admitted to Grade 7 and to Grade 10 in Academies
Wednesday 08 January
Resumption of all classes
Monday 28 April to
Friday 18 July
Monday 11 August to Friday 31 October

14. Cabinet has taken note of the holding of the Grand Finale of SolarX Startup Challenge for Africa Region by the International Solar Alliance on 15 and 16 October 2024 in Mauritius. The Grand Finale would provide the 20 winning enterprises with tools to create a comprehensive roadmap for scaling up the business and on guidance to deliver value to investors for successful investments. Around 30 international participants were expected to attend the event in Mauritius which would feature a workshop and a pitching session.

15. Cabinet has taken note of the holding of the Spanish Cultural Week celebrations from 17 to 25 October 2024 in Mauritius. HE Mr Raimundo Robredo Rubio, Spanish Ambassador accredited to Mauritius would host the Spanish National Day celebration on 18 October 2024 as well as a number of cultural events during that week.

16. Cabinet has taken note of the holding of a training on Cyber Disaster Response: Development of Simulation Exercises being organised by the Computer Emergency Response Team of Mauritius (CERT-MU), in collaboration with the International Telecommunication Union, from 22 to 24 October 2024. The training forms part of the European Union funded Capacity Development for Digital Transformation project.
The training would look into the key elements required to develop cyber disaster response simulation exercises. It would aim at enhancing participants’ ability to collaborate effectively by fostering a deeper understanding of the interaction between private and public sectors when it comes to dealing with cyber incidents. Moreover, the course would also provide a comprehensive understanding of cyber-attacks and the protection of critical information infrastructures.

17. Cabinet has taken note that, in the margins of the Ceremony of the assumption of Mr Edgard Razafindravahy as the 10th Secretary-General of the Indian Ocean Commission held on 30 September 2024 in Mauritius, the Prime Minister had a bilateral meeting with HE Mr Andry Nirina Rajoelina, President of the Republic of Madagascar, during which the following issues were, inter alia, discussed:
(a) strengthening existing cooperation within the Indian Ocean Commission;
(b) import and export of foodstuffs between the two countries;
(c) air and maritime connectivity between the Indian Ocean Commission Member States; and
(d) enhancement of cooperation in maritime security in the Indian Ocean.

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