Lors de la séance parlementaire du 10 décembre 2024, le Dr. Navin Ramgoolam a présenté le bilan de l’audit de la situation économique à plusieurs niveaux.
Dans la première partie du document de 46 pages, le Grand Argentier indique clairement:-
GDP Growth
It is clear that there has been a deliberate trimming and cooking of data under the previous Government to convey a false sense of economic progress. After a thorough review f the situation, it has been found that GDP growth data have been grossly exaggerated.2. The real GDP growth rate for 2023 is now estimated at 5.6%, lower than the September 2024 estimate of 7%. The September estimate was obtained following deliberately exaggerated high growth rates for some sectors, particularly the construction sector.
3. The growth rate for 2024 has similarly been inflated to 6.5%. According to updated data from Statistics Mauritius, the new forecast for 2024 is a growth rate of 5.1%.