Le Ministère de l’Éducation et des Ressources Humaines informe les parents dont les enfants se sont vu attribuer une place dans un établissement scolaire et qui souhaitent demander un transfert en classe de 10ème (2025) vers un autre établissement.
Admission/Transfer in Grade 10 (2025) in Academies
The Ministry of Education and Human Resource wishes to inform:
(i) parents whose wards have been offered a seat in an Academy and who now wish to be considered for a transfer in Grade 10 (2025) to another Academy; and
(ii) parents who had applied for a seat for their wards in Grade 10 (2025) in Academies and who have not secured a seat in an Academy that a very limited number of seats exist in a few Academies. Parents who so wish may make a fresh application as follows:
Parents are invited to call at one of the centres below between 09 00 and 15 00 hrs on Tuesday 10 December 2024 and Wednesday 11 December 2024 to fill in the prescribed Application Form:Zone 1:
Royal College Port Louis
Cassis Road
Port LouisZone 2:
Ministry of Education and Human Resource
Sir F. Herchenroder Street
Beau BassinZone 3:
Sookdeo Bissoondoyal State College
Chapel Lane
Rose BelleZone 4:
Quatre Bornes State Secondary School
Avenue Victoria
Quatre-BornesDocuments required
1. Original of the Birth Certificate of the student
2. NIC of Responsible Party
3. Result slip of the NCE 2024
4. Letter of admission in Grade 10 (2025) in an Academy, if anyNote
1. Applicants may apply for any number of Academies of their choice.
2. Successful candidates will, on the day of registration, be required to choose their subject combination among those offered in the Academy where they have been admitted.
3. Responsible Parties having made a prior request for a seat in an Academy should submit a fresh application on the prescribed form within the specific date limit.
4. Applications received after the closing date i.e Wednesday 11 December 2024 will not be considered.
5. The Ministry reserves the right not to fill any given vacancy as a result of this Communiqué.Ministry of Education and Human Resource