La Speaker de l’Assemblée Nationale a fait une déclaration au début de la séance parlementaire du 17 décembre 2024 concernant la pratique du tirage au sort concernant les questions des députés posées aux membres du Cabinet Ministériel.
Hon. Prime Minister, hon. Deputy Prime Minister, hon. Leader of the Opposition, hon. Members, during the Sitting of 10 December 2024, I informed the House that I had decided to maintain the system of first-come, first-served basis for the questions of that Sitting.
But I later informed you that during lunch time, the Chief Government Whip and the Opposition Whip had reached an agreement to adopt a system of drawing of lots for the purpose of determining the order in which questions would appear on the Notice of Questions. Same would be conducted in the Office of the Clerk of the National Assembly in the presence of the hon. Chief Government Whip or any Government representative, Member of the National Assembly, and the hon. Whip of the Opposition or any Opposition representative.
I wish to inform the House now that I have received a written agreement dated 11 December 2024, co-signed by the hon. Chief Government Whip and the hon. Whip of the Opposition to the effect that Parliamentary Questions of which notice has been given for a particular Tuesday Sitting be the object of drawing of lots.
Copy of the said agreement is hereby being tabled.
I agreed to the implementation of the said agreement pursuant to the provisions of Standing Order 77, which reads as follows –
“The Speaker shall have power to regulate the conduct of business in the Assembly in all matters not provided for in these Orders.”
The Notice of Questions for today’s Sitting contains Parliamentary Questions set in the order determined by the drawing of lots conducted on Wednesday last.
Moreover, hon. Members, should you have any further queries on the matter, you are welcome to see me privately in my office at any appropriate time.
Thank you.