Des nuages de l’est influençant le temps. Matinée nuageuse, averses à l’est et sur le plateau central.
Après-midi ensoleillé à l’ouest, ondées possibles ailleurs, pendant la nuit le ciel sera mi-couverte, ondées dans les hauteurs.
Températures : 25-27°C/30-33°C (max), 21-23°C/25-27°C (min).
Vent ESE 25 km/h (rafales 50 km/h). Mer forte, vagues de 3 mètres.
Sorties en mer déconseillées (nord, est, sud).
Cyclone tropical DIKELEDI : Intensifié, 875 km au NO de Saint Brandon, mouvement ONO à 30 km/h.
Marées hautes 11h04/01h03 et basses 05h49/18h17.
Soleil : 05h41/18h55.
Pression : 1015 hPa (04h00).
Cloudy with a chance of showers: Expect cloudy skies today, especially in the east and central highlands, with showers likely.
Partly sunny afternoon: The western part of the island should see some sunshine this afternoon, but scattered showers are possible elsewhere.
Partly cloudy tonight: Tonight, it will be partly cloudy with showers in the higher elevations.
Temperatures: Highs of 25-27°C inland and 30-33°C along the coast. Lows of 21-23°C inland and 25-27°C along the coast.
Windy and rough seas: Expect an east-southeast wind of 25 km/h with gusts up to 50 km/h. Rough seas with waves reaching 3 meters. Marine advisory: Avoid marine activities in the north, east, and south due to rough seas.
Tropical Cyclone DIKELEDI: The tropical storm has intensified into a cyclone. It’s located about 875 km northwest of Saint Brandon and is moving west-northwest at 30 km/h.
Tides: High tides at 11:04 AM and 1:03 AM. Low tides at 5:49 AM and 6:17 PM.
Sunrise and sunset: Sunrise at 5:41 AM, sunset at 6:55 PM.
Barometric pressure: 1015 hectopascals at 4:00 AM.