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‘Alain St.Ange, My Journey – Life & Times in Politics’

The well known Seychellois politician Alain St.Ange is set to release (towards the end of January) his latest work, ‘Alain St.Ange, My Journey – Life & Times in Politics’, a comprehensive 785-page book chronicling the political history of Seychelles.

This groundbreaking publication highlights Alain St.Ange’s personal experiences, his family’s political legacy, and the evolution of Seychelles from colonial days to its establishment as a Republic in 1976.

The book promises to be an essential read for anyone interested in Seychelles’ rich political history. Digging deep into the past, St.Ange sheds light on the contributions of his family, from his father Karl St.Ange, to his grandparents, Kersley and Josephine St.Ange, during an era before modern political parties existed. Winding through pivotal decades, St.Ange recounts Seychelles’ transition from French dependency to British colony, and eventually to the Republic it is today.

The book showcase documents obtained from British archives on the island’s pre-independence era, the 1977 coup d’etat as well as the 1978 era of arrests and detentions.

Featuring a blend of historical facts and rare visuals – including archival photographs, campaign materials, and documents – this book provides an intimate look at Seychelles’ political landscape. Readers will uncover how political affiliations shaped the country’s destiny, leading to Constitutional Commiss

ion meetings in London and the emergence of key figures such as the Chief Minister, Prime Minister, and the establishment of a Coalition Government.
During his political career, Alain St.Ange participated in six elections, the pinnacle of which was his bid for the presidency in 2020. Reflecting on his time in public service, he shares,

“I knew that my participation would, in one way or another, help democracy to establish its needed roots in Seychelles. People change, and political charters change. Following a party blindly simply for tradition is not the transformative leadership Seychelles needs.”

Alain St.Ange served in three consecutive cabinets under Presidents James Michel and Danny Faure, working closely with all five successive Seychellois Presidents in different capacities. His memoirs and analysis honour the privilege of public service and confirm his commitment to serving the people of Seychelles throughout his career. “At each of my swearing-in ceremonies as Minister, I reminded myself that a call for public service is a privilege, and that I should always remain true to the people I was being called to serve” he says in the book, as he documents his journey through his time as a candidate for four legislative elections and the 2020 presidential one.

This beautifully crafted landscape-format book features a hard cover and vivid full-colour pages, carefully designed to preserve the visual elements of historical and contemporary Seychellois politics. Black-and-white images from the French and British eras also pay homage to the country’s past.
With ‘Alain St.Ange, My Journey – Life & Times in Politics’, readers will gain an unfiltered perspective on the evolution of Seychelles’ governance, as well as a family legacy that intertwines with the country’s history.

Résumé en Français
L’homme politique seychellois de renom, Alain St.Ange, publiera prochainement (vers la fin janvier) son dernier ouvrage, « Alain St.Ange, My Journey – Life & Times in Politics », un ouvrage complet de 785 pages retraçant l’histoire politique des Seychelles.

Ce livre novateur met en lumière les expériences personnelles d’Alain St.Ange, l’héritage politique de sa famille et l’évolution des Seychelles depuis l’époque coloniale jusqu’à son indépendance en 1976.

Il s’agit d’une lecture incontournable pour tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la riche histoire politique des Seychelles. St.Ange explore le passé, mettant en lumière les contributions de sa famille, de son père Karl St.Ange à ses grands-parents, Kersley et Josephine St.Ange, à une époque antérieure à l’existence des partis politiques modernes. Il retrace la transition des Seychelles de dépendance française à colonie britannique, puis à la République actuelle.

L’ouvrage présente des documents d’archives britanniques sur l’ère pré-indépendance, le coup d’État de 1977 et l’ère des arrestations et des détentions de 1978.

Composé d’un mélange de faits historiques et de visuels rares (photos d’archives, matériel de campagne, documents), ce livre offre un aperçu intime du paysage politique des Seychelles.

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