Prochain jackpot cumulé de Rs 24 millions.
Pas de grand gagnant pour le 1091e tirage du Loto et Loto Plus et le total des deux cagnottes passe à 24 millions de roupies pour le prochain tirage.
Les numéros gagnants de ce tirage du Loto du 11 janvier 2025 sont 03-07-11-18-30-33
Le hotpick est le numéro 30
Prochain Jackpot : 20 millions
Loto Plus
Les numéros gagnants de ce tirage du Loto Plus du 11 janvier 2025 sont 03-17-22-24-34-36
Le hotpick est le numéro 24
Prochain Jackpot : 4 millions
English Resume
No one won the grand prize in the 1091st Loto and Loto Plus draws. The combined jackpot for the next draw is now 24 million rupees. The winning Loto numbers were 3, 7, 11, 18, 30, and 33, with 30 as the hotpick. For Loto Plus, the winning numbers were 3, 17, 22, 24, 34, and 36, with 24 as the hotpick
No one won the grand prize in the 1091st Loto and Loto Plus draws. The combined jackpot for the next draw is now 24 million rupees. The winning Loto numbers were 3, 7, 11, 18, 30, and 33, with 30 as the hotpick. For Loto Plus, the winning numbers were 3, 17, 22, 24, 34, and 36, with 24 as the hotpick