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Young man’s life transformed after Mercy Ships removes life-threatening tumor

A young man from Sierra Leone who was forced to leave school due to relentless mockery over a life-threatening facial tumor has had it successfully removed by international charity, Mercy Ships .

Alex, now 23, first noticed a swelling on his jaw in 2016 as a teenager. Over the years, the tumor grew significantly, making it difficult for him to eat, speak, and swallow. It left him increasingly isolated and raised fears that it could eventually impair his breathing.

Despite numerous attempts to seek treatment by his family—including medication, herbal remedies, and an unsuccessful surgery at a local hospital—the tumor continued to grow, causing physical and emotional distress.

“At first, it was okay, but later, the tumor started to grow again,” recalled Alex from Freetown.

“I felt bad because the surgery was not successful. It damaged my face and removed my teeth.”

“The first surgery gave me some hope, but when it started growing back again, I was sad,” shared Zainab, Alex’s mother.

His family’s determination to find a solution never wavered. Alex’s older brother, Ebenizer, sought help from politicians and non-governmental organizations (NGO). One NGO offered to assist with surgery in Ghana, but Alex was unable to travel without a passport. With no clear path forward, the tumor continued to grow, deepening his isolation.

“I was not happy because my friends were laughing at me. I used to run away from them and sit alone in the room. I found it difficult to sit among people because they used to laugh at me,” said Alex.

The tumor’s impact was devastating. It caused infections, tooth loss, and even emitted a bad odor, forcing Alex’s family to stop sharing utensils with him. “Alex was always ashamed to be among others,” said Ebenizer.

Yet Alex held onto hope, saying: “I had faith in God that one day help would come.”

That hope was realized when the family learned through a government advertisement that Mercy Ships was returning to Sierra Leone after more than a decade. Alex was approved for surgery aboard the hospital ship, the Global Mercy™.

Dr. Manjit Dhillon, a volunteer maxillofacial surgeon from Aberdeen Infirmary in Scotland, performed the complex surgery to remove Alex’s tumor.

“Without surgery, Alex’s condition could have continued to affect basic functions like eating, speaking, swallowing, socializing, and living a normal life. It could also have compromised his breathing.”

The first surgery in October 2023 required removing Alex’s entire jaw, with a second surgery to reconstruct it using bone from his head. Reflecting on the transformation, Alex said: “I was very happy, especially when people were around me and when they were hugging me.”

The joy extended to his return home.

“I shed tears of joy when I first saw him after his surgery,” said Zainab.

“I immediately hugged him and started thanking God for curing my son. The place was crowded with people who were surprised and happy for him. They were shouting.”

In April 2024, Alex returned for his second surgery, which was also a success.

With his health and confidence restored, Alex shared his favorite post-surgery change:

“People were afraid to be close to me, but now, everybody wants to be my friend.”

Résumé en Français
Grâce à Mercy Ships, Alex, un jeune Sierra-Léonais, a subi avec succès l’ablation d’une tumeur faciale qui le rongeait depuis des années, le forçant à quitter l’école.

L’opération, menée en deux temps, a restauré sa capacité à manger, parler et respirer normalement, lui redonnant ainsi confiance en lui et une vie sociale.

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