Les membres du Cabinet ont pris note que le pays passe par un manque de pluie et que des restrictions seront appliquées à travers un plan mis en place par la Central Wster Authority, de la promulgation du Mauritius Meteorological Services qui va réglementer la hauteur des Kawal pour la procession du Maha Shivaratree au Grand Bassin, que l’écriture du Child Adoption Bill sera complétée, des activités qui auront lieu dans le cadre du 190 anniversaire de l’Abolition de l’Esclavage, de la performance des étudiants mauriciens à la Cambridge School Certificate entre autres.
1. Cabinet has taken note of the revised hours of water supply, with effect from 20 January 2025, for a better management of the limited stock of water resources in the face of the prolonged dry spell affecting Mauritius. The hours of water supply would be reduced gradually and every effort would be made by the Central Water Authority (CWA) to avoid drastic disruptions in water supply.
The CWA would implement a multi-pronged Communication Plan so as to inform and sensitise the general public on the critical water situation, the need to conserve water and tips on how to save water in daily tasks/activities. The Plan would include broadcast of short clips on radios, television and social media and regular interventions in the press by officers of the Water Resources Commission and the CWA. A Crisis Committee would be set up under the chair of the Minister of Energy and Public Utilities to monitor and review the situation across the island on a daily basis.
2. Cabinet has agreed to the promulgation of the Road Traffic (Control of Structures and Objects During Procession) Regulations 2025, following the meeting of the National Task Force for Thaipoosam Cavadee and Maha Shivaratree 2025 in the course of which discussions were held, inter alia, on oversized ‘Kanwars’, the use of generators and the tragic accidents which occurred during the Maha Shivaratree festival in 2023 and 2024. The Regulations would provide for:
(a) the dimension of a structure or an object not to exceed 3 metres in height from the road surface, the width not to exceed 2 metres and the length not to exceed 5.5 metres, in any circumstances, whether being pushed or pulled, carried or transported in a vehicle in which case:
(i) the total height of the vehicle and the structure or object should not exceed 3 metres;
(ii) the total length of the vehicle and the structure or object should not exceed the length of the vehicle; and
(iii) the width of the structure or object should not exceed 2 metres.
(b) the prohibition to use power generating machine in a structure or an object except for a lead acid battery not exceeding a maximum voltage of 12 volts;
(c) the prohibition to sleep or take rest inside a structure;
(d) the Police being empowered to enforce the Regulations, including the power to seize and prohibit any structure or object not in conformity to the Regulations from being carried, pushed, pulled or transported during a procession; and
(e) a fine not exceeding Rs10,000, on conviction, on committing an offence under the Regulations.
3. Cabinet has agreed to the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Welfare conveying instructions to the Attorney-General’s Office to complete the drafting of the Child Adoption Bill. The purpose of the Child Adoption Bill would be to provide for a comprehensive legislative framework in Mauritius to cater for all child adoptions (domestic, international and intra familial) under the purview of a single entity to ensure better screening, monitoring and control. Moreover, the Bill would domesticate the provision of the 1993 Hague Convention in order to regulate adoptions involving Mauritian citizens and non-citizens not residing in Mauritius and non-citizens having permanent residence in Mauritius.
Public consultations would be held on the draft Bill prior to finalisation for introduction in the National Assembly.
4. Cabinet has taken note that, with a view to ensuring payment of the salary compensation for the year 2025, the following Regulations would be promulgated:
(a) the Workers’ Rights (Additional Remuneration) (2025) Regulations 2025 to prescribe the rate of the additional remuneration;
(b) the National Minimum Wage (Amendment) Regulations 2025 to adjust the national minimum wage by the amount of the additional remuneration 2025; and
(c) the Export Enterprises (Remuneration) (Amendment) Regulations 2025 to provide for the adjustment of the rate payable for overtime, piece-rate and attendance bonus to factory employees employed in an export enterprise.
5. Cabinet has taken note that the Occupational Safety and Health (Registration and Fees) Regulations 2025 would be promulgated, with a view to aligning the provision of the new Regulations with amendments brought to the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2005, reviewing existing fees for registration, and introducing fees for new processes.
6. Cabinet has taken note that, following the holding of the first meeting of the Ministerial Committee set up to look into a thorough reform of the entire Local Government System, the Ministry of Local Government would invite stakeholders and the public to provide their views/comments on the Reform of the Local Government.
7. Cabinet has taken note of the organisation of the following activities in the context of the Commemoration of the 190th Anniversary of the Abolition of Slavery 2025:
(a) a Wreath Laying Ceremony at Bassin des Esclaves, Pamplemousses, on 31 January 2025;
(b) a Wreath Laying Ceremony at the International Slave Route Monument, opposite le Morne Public Beach, on 01 February 2025, followed by an official ceremony and a cultural programme at Le Morne Public Beach;
(c) a Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Frederik Hendrik Historical Site, Vieux Grand Port, on 02 February 2025, followed by the unveiling of a plaque on Anna de Bengale as well as a stele of the enslaved people who set the Dutch Fort of Frederik Hendrik on fire, on 18 June 1695;
(d) a concert with artists of the region at Vieux Grand Port Football Ground, on 02 February 2025; and
(e) the holding of the International Conference on UNESCO Routes of Enslaved Peoples on the theme ‘Resistance, Liberty, Heritage in the Western Indian Ocean’, at the University of Mauritius from 03 to 05 February 2025.
8. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the visit of the Minister of Housing and Lands to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Minister accompanied by the Chairman of the Islamic Cultural Centre, had meetings with HE Dr Tawfiq bin Fawzan Al Rabiah, Minister of Hajj and Umrah and HE Dr Abdul Fattah Mashat, Deputy Minister of Hajj and Umrah, and the number of visas to be allocated to Mauritian hajjis was discussed.
The Minister had a meeting with the Chief Executive Officer of the Saudia Airlines for Hajj and Umrah to obtain the best deal in terms of airfare and additional services to Mauritian hajjis. He also had a fruitful meeting with the service provider appointed by the Islamic Cultural Centre for provision of logistics during the five-day pilgrimage, and was successful in securing improved facilities at the same price as last year.
9. Cabinet has taken note of the results of the Cambridge School Certificate examinations 2024. Out of 12,527 school candidates who took part in the 2024 School Certificate examinations, 9,101 were successful, resulting in a percentage pass rate of 72.65% compared to 73.71% for 2023. Seven secondary schools secured a 100% pass rate and 633 school candidates scored an aggregate of 10 or below, of which 280 were boys and 353 girls. 142 candidates obtained a grade aggregate of 6.
Out of the 12,527 school candidates 7,733 scored three credits as compared to 7,953 candidates in School Certificate examinations 2023. In the 2024 cohort, 5,236 candidates scored five credits as compared to 5,210 candidates in 2023.
Cabinet further noted the results of the National School Certificate examinations in Kreol Morisien 2024, awarded by the University of Mauritius. Out of a total of 546 candidates who took part in the 2024 National School Certificate examinations in Kreol Morisien 2024, 503 candidates were successful with an overall percentage pass rate of 92.13%. The pass rate stands at 91.72% for girls and 92.62% for boys.
10. Cabinet has taken note that the Mauritius Research and Innovation Council (MRIC) would conduct a review of the National Roadmap for Research and Innovation through Les Assises de la Recherche et de l’Innovation 2.0 on 23 and 24 January 2025.
The MRIC was developing a National Roadmap for Research and Innovation on seven thematic areas, namely Blue and Green Innovation, Health and Wellness Innovation, Financial Innovation, Social and Grassroots Innovation, Travel, Tourism and Entertainment Innovation, IT and Emerging Technology Innovation and Rodrigues Innovation. The National Roadmap for Research and Innovation would undergo a mid-term review in January 2025 so as to realign the thematic areas with the needs for new sectors of development as well as to re-actualise new areas.
11. Cabinet has agreed to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Mauritius and the Commonwealth of Learning, Canada. The objectives of the Memorandum of Understanding would be to:
(a) identify possible avenues for collaboration and establish the basis where collaboration was mutually beneficial; and
(b) explore and coordinate activities of mutual interest that would be implemented in conformity with the Regulations and Policies of both Parties, and establish a formal basis of cooperation through the appointment of Professor (Dr) Santally, as Commonwealth of Learning Chair.
12. Cabinet has taken note that the Ministry of Industry, SME and Cooperatives would organise Les Assises de L’Industrie 2025 on 13 February 2025, with the objective of developing a shared vision for the future of the manufacturing sector along with key policy measures to reinforce the position of Mauritius as a preferred sourcing destination for quality manufactured products.
Les Assises de L’Industrie 2025 would bring together some 125 participants, both from the public and private sectors and would serve as a platform for the industry, representatives of business associations and relevant Government stakeholders to brainstorm and identify major bottlenecks hindering industrial growth, and recommend concrete measures for the formulation of policies to reaffirm the reputation of Mauritius as a reliable and responsible sourcing destination.
13. Cabinet has taken note of the reconstitution of the:
(a) Board of the Drains Infrastructure Construction Ltd, with Mr Nitish Nalam Nastili as part-time Chairperson;
(b) Board of Trustees of La Clinique Mauricienne; and
(c) Board of the Mauritius Sports Council, with Mr Iqbal Calcateea as part-time Chairperson.