The Construction Price Index, which stood at 136.3 in January 2024, rose steadily, reaching 137.4 by May. It stabilized in June before surging by 2.8% to reach 141.3 in July.
A slight 0.1% increase in August brought the index to 141.5, which remained stable through September and October. In November, the index increased by 0.1% to reach 141.7, before a minor 0.1% decline in December brought down the index to 141.6.
The Construction Price Index, which was 141.5 in September 2024, remained stable in October 2024. In November 2024, the Construction Price Index rose by 0.1%, reaching 141.7.
This increase is mainly driven by higher rates for the hire of plant (0.1%) and (0.5%), and tiles and granite (1.7%).
The overall index fell by 0.1% in December 2024 to reach 141.6, reflecting a 0.1% decline in the materials sub-index. This drop is largely attributed to a 0.6% decrease in steel bar prices.
Janvier-Juillet 2024: L’indice a connu une hausse progressive, passant de 136.3 en janvier à 137.4 en mai, puis une forte augmentation de 2.8% en juillet pour atteindre 141.3.
Août-Octobre 2024: L’indice s’est stabilisé autour de 141.5.
Novembre 2024: Une légère hausse de 0.1% a été observée, principalement due à l’augmentation des coûts de location d’équipement (0.1% et 0.5%) et des carreaux et du granit (1.7%).
Décembre 2024: L’indice a connu une légère baisse de 0.1%, principalement en raison d’une diminution de 0.6% du prix des barres d’acier.