Merck Foundation , the philanthropic arm of Merck KGaA Germany, in partnership with the African First Ladies, announced the winners of Merck Foundation’s FILM Awards “More Than a Mother” 2023.
Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation, President of “More than a Mother” campaign emphasized,
“I am extremely happy to announce today the winners of our Merck Foundation Film Awards “More Than a Mother” awards in partnership with my dear sisters, African First Ladies. Big congratulations to our winners. I appreciate the efforts put in by the young talents across Africa in their films through which they have beautifully conveyed important messages about supporting girls’ education and stopping GBV.”
The theme of “More Than a Mother” Film Awards was to raise awareness on any of the following social issues such as: Breaking Infertility Stigma, Supporting Girl Education, Ending Child Marriage, Ending FGM, Stopping GBV and/or Women Empowerment, at all levels. The theme of “Diabetes and Hypertension” Film Awards was to promote a healthy lifestyle and raise awareness about prevention and early detection of Diabetes and Hypertension in the African countries.
“I strongly believe that all forms of art including filmmaking can play a significant role in bringing about a culture shift in society, in the world. Our aim is to utilize this medium to encourage promising filmmakers and new talents across the continent to be the Champions of Social and Health issues in their communities”, added Senator Kelej.
Here is the list of Merck Foundation FILM Awards “More Than a Mother” 2023 Winners:
Tsi Conrad, CAMEROON
Film Name: WAIN WI (About Supporting Girls’ Education)
Habila Ibrahim Abel, NIGERIA
Film Name: CAGED (About GBV)
Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej further added,
“I would also like to announce the Call for Applications for the 2025 Edition of the Merck Foundation Film Awards ‘More Than a Mother’ and ‘Diabetes & Hypertension’. I am looking forward to the entries from our African Filmmakers and students of film making institutions this year too.
Filmmakers and Young talents of Africa, it’s time to showcase your talent and contribute towards making a difference in society with your unique films with strong and relevant messages about the critical and sensitive social and health issues we face in our continent. Be the voice of the voiceless, break the silence and let’s all join hands to create a cultural shift.”
La Fondation Merck, en partenariat avec les Premières Dames africaines, a annoncé les lauréats 2023 de ses Film Awards « Plus qu’une Mère ».
Le Dr Rasha Kelej a félicité les jeunes talents africains pour leurs films sensibilisant à l’éducation des filles et à la lutte contre les violences basées sur le genre.
Les récompenses mettaient l’accent sur des thèmes sociaux (infertilité, éducation des filles, mariages d’enfants, mutilations génitales féminines, violences basées sur le genre, autonomisation des femmes) et sur la prévention du diabète et de l’hypertension.
L’appel à candidatures pour l’édition 2025 est lancé.