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Annual Health Statistics Report 2022

Les membres du Cabinet Ministériel ont pris note des principaux enseignements du rapport sur la santé de la population à Maurice et à Rodrigues en 2022.

Cabinet has taken note of the Annual Health Statistics Report (HSR) for the year 2022 for Mauritius and Rodrigues. The HSR 2022 would provide evidence-based information and health indicators for the monitoring of the health of the population. The statistics would be used for decision making, policy formulation, development of strategies and evaluation of health programmes which enable the Ministry of Health and Wellness and various key stakeholders in the health sector to improve service delivery.

The HSR 2022 contained information on population and vital statistics, health infrastructure, health personnel, maternal and child health, notifiable diseases, private health institutions, morbidity, infant and child mortality, mortality and other services in both the public and the private sectors.

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