Les contraintes et restrictions de la Quarantine (COVID-19 Restrictions) Regulations 2022 seront assouplis à partir du 4 septembre 2023 après approbation du Conseil des Ministres du 1-9-2023.
Cabinet has agreed to amendments being brought to the Quarantine (COVID-19 Restrictions) Regulations 2022, with effect from 04 September 2023, to:
(i) specify only four institutions where employees need mandatorily to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or need to produce a negative COVID-19 Test Certificate in order to have access to their place of work as follows –
(a) educational or training institution;
(b) health institution;
(c) residential care home/residential care institutions for children victims of violence, abuse and neglect/shelters for women victims of domestic violence; and
(d) child care services establishment.
(ii) it will no longer be mandatory for a person who is tested to be infected with COVID-19 to be self-confined for a period of seven days. The period of self-confinement will henceforth be determined by a registered medical practitioner.
Cabinet has also taken note that the Director of Civil Aviation has extended two NOTAMs up to 31 October 2023 with respect to passengers and crew members travelling to Mauritius and Rodrigues. In that respect, the NOTAM for Mauritius specifies the following conditions:
(i) filling of All-In-One travel form is recommended prior to boarding but not mandatory for boarding;
(ii) wearing a surgical or N95/FFP2 mask during the flight is not mandatory but recommended;
(iii) wearing of mask at the airport is not mandatory but recommended; and
(iv) any person having been tested COVID-19 positive within seven days of departure shall not be allowed to board a flight to Mauritius.
The NOTAM for Rodrigues specifies the same conditions, except that passengers are not required to fill in the All-In-One travel form.