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[Vidéo News] The Juristconsult Investment Summit 2023@Andrea Lodges reveals promising!

The Summit will cover various aspects and themes related to Wealth Management, ESG, Investment Funds, Protection of Investment – Litigation & Arbitration, Data Protection, and more.

The Juristconsult Press Conference, held by Marc R. M. Hein SC, Chairperson, Juristconsult Chambers and Nicolas Richard Managing Partner, Juristconsult Chambers, highlighted:
1. The background and importance of the Juristconsult Investment Summit 2023.
2. The key objectives, themes, and expectations for the event.
3. The relevance of the Summit in the current global and regional context.
4.Special Announcements.
5.Share insights into the Summit’s line-up of events and key sessions.
6.Explain how the summit aims to facilitate meaningful discussions and collaborations.
7.Discuss the value that attendees can expect to gain from this event.

Marc Hein stated that following last year’s success, the Summit was again highly solicited this year as more than 80% of the Collaborators renewed their participation in the only investment Summit, taking place in the beautiful nature of Mauritius at Andrea Lodges.

Nicolas Richard that the topics will be around
– ESG Integration in Wealth Management: A Path to Responsible and Profitable Investing
– Impact Investing: Fostering Positive Social Change Through Responsible Investments – The role of Management Companies
– Mauritius, AI & Fintech
– Processing of data against the backdrop of ESG principles (how data should be processed in a sustainable manner, with due regard to good governance and the duty of accountability to society)
– Dispute Avoidance & Dispute Resolution concerning Investments
– The Mauritius International Financial, Administrative and Corporate Centre: A positive look.
– The concept of the Summit consists of a mix of Panel discussions, Presentations & a lot of networking platforms to encourage further discussions.

He stated that,

This is a Summit, conceived for Mauritius, by Mauritius and in Mauritius. Considering key specific challenges faced in Mauritius being unique, the operators of the industry have the right platform to highlight, share and work together, relevant to Mauritius.

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