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Announcement du Speaker sur les conflits d’interets

Lors de la séance parlementaire du 28 novembre 2023 le Président de l’Assemblée Nationale concernant le conflit d’intérêt qu’il pourrait avoir entre une question parlementaire et le député qui la pose.

I have an announcement to make.
The House will recall that at the last sitting, there was an exchange of arguments on the issue of declaration of interest between the Hon. Minister of Energy and Public Utilities and the Hon. Joanna Bérenger in regard to PQ B/1539 from the Hon. Member. I gave a summary ruling on that day.
I am now taking the opportunity to spell out the rules regarding declaration of interest.

Hon. Members,
According to Erskine May, in any debate, a Member is required to declare any relevant pecuniary interest or benefit of whatever nature, whether direct or indirect, that he may have had, may have or may be expecting to have.

The rule on declaration applies not only to debates in the House, but to almost all proceedings of the House or its Committees in which Members have an opportunity to speak.

In regard to Parliamentary Question, a declaration of interest is required from a Member when giving Notice of the Question either for oral or written answer.

It is the responsibility of the Member to judge whether a pecuniary interest is sufficiently relevant to require declaration. The basic test of relevance is that a pecuniary interest should be declared if it might reasonably be thought by others to influence the Member’s speech.

Hon. Members are kindly requested to stand guided accordingly.

Thank you for your attention.

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