Le gouvernement a donné son feu vert pour la mise ne place du plan conçu pour réduire l’effet des inondations causées par les eaux pluviales dans cette route du village de Centre de Flacq dans l’Est du pays.
Cabinet has agreed to the implementation of the „Flood Mitigating Measures at Seeraully Road, Central Flacq‟ project comprising, inter alia, the construction of reinforced concrete open drain, high floodwall and reinforced concrete wall. The project also provides for high chain-link fence on top of the wall of the reinforced concrete open drain and floodwalls, demolition and reconstruction of footbridges and two bridges across St Ursule Street and Flacq Traffic Centre (B119) Road and the temporary relocation of existing parking space along Flacq Traffic Centre (B119) Road.