At 10h00, severe tropical storm Belal was centred at about 210 km almost to the south south east of Blue Bay near latitude 22.3 degrees south and longitude 58.5 degrees east.
It is moving away from our region in a general east south easterly direction at a speed of about 18 km/h.
Hence, there are no longer any risks of having cyclonic conditions over Mauritius but other environmental risks exist.
A Safety Bulletin is in force in Mauritius
The public is strongly advised to maintain precaution and stay in safe places.
Weather will remain cloudy with showers at times, which may be moderate with isolated thunderstorms.
Wind will blow from the west at about 30 km/h with gusts reaching 80 km/h.
Sea will be high with swells of 5 to 7 metres beyond the reefs. Storm surge will cause coastal inundation along low lying coastal areas.
It is strictly advised not to go out at sea and to avoid venturing along beaches.
A Safety Bulletin is in force in Mauritius
The public is advised to closely follow instructions from appropriate authorities.
A 1000 er, for tempet tropikal Belal ti santre a anviron 210 km preske au sid sid es Blue Bay pre ar latitid 22.3 degre sid ek longitid 58.5 degre es.
Li pe elwagne de nou rezion dan enn direksion zeneral les-sid-es a anviron 18 km/h.
Donc risk gagne divan siklonnik lor Moris nepli ekziste, me le ot risk encor existe dehor.
Enn biltin sekirite en viger lor Moris.
Piblik bizin maintenir bann prekosion ek res a l’abri.
Letan pu nyaze par moman avec la pli, ki pou impe gro avek loraz izole.
Divan pou soufle depi de l’wes a anviron 30 km/h avek rafal ziska 80 km/h.
La mer pou bien move avek gro laoul 5 a 7 mett andeor brizan. Radmare pu provok inondasion cotiere.
Ban sorti lor la mer strikteman deconseyer ek evit fer ban promnad lor ban laplaz.
Enn biltin sekirite en viger lor Moris.
Piblik bizin suiv tou instriksion depi ban otorite.
Tou biltin cylone pou enleve apre linformasion depi ban otorite.
Safety Bulletin
Issued for the purpose of:
lifting the cyclone warning class III or cyclone warning class IV, as the case may be; and
informing the public of the existence of any severe weather conditions associated with the cyclone and other environment risk, depending on the nature and extent of the damage occurred during the passage of the cyclone.