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Appointment of Miss Urmeelah Devi Ramchurn as Clerk of the National Assembly

Le Speaker a fait une annonce, le 14 mai 2024, sur le fait que Miss Urmeelah Devi Ramchurn est désormais Clerk de l’Assemblée Nationale.

Hon Members,

I am pleased to inform the House that Miss Urmeelah Devi Ramchurn has been appointed Clerk of the National Assembly in a substantive capacity with effect from Monday 13 May 2024.

In 1996, Miss Ramchurn was awarded a Bachelor of Laws degree at the University of Mauritius. Thereafter, she joined the Best Graphics Law Publishers Ltd as Trainee Jurist under the supervision of the late Louis Edwin Venchard, QC, former Solicitor General.

Miss Ramchurn has also worked in the teaching profession prior to joining the Civil Service as Civil Status Officer in November 2005 at the Central Civil Status Office.

In October 2007, she joined the National Assembly as Clerk Assistant and in April 2014, she was promoted to the post of Deputy Clerk.

In December 2009, she was awarded a Certificate of Orientation by the Lok Sabha for having attended the Parliamentary Internship Program on the working of the Indian Parliament and its Parliamentary procedures and practices.

On behalf of Honourable Members and the staff of the National Assembly, and in my own name I extend my congratulations to Miss Ramchurn as Clerk of the National Assembly and wish her a successful career.

I thank you.

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