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Shakeel Mohamed suspendu pour quatre séances

Le Speaker de l’Assemblée Nationale a named le Leader de l’Opposition lors de la première partie de la séance du 21 mai 2021 consacrée à la Private Notice Question.

Mr Speaker:
“Hon. Members,
I named the Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Shakeel Mohamed earlier today for disregarding the authority of the Chair and for his grossly disorderly conduct for uttering the following outrageous words to my address when ordered to leave the Chamber –
• “You are a shame to this Office!…”
• “You are worth nothing else!…”
• “You are the protector of those anti-democrats!…”
• “You are a shame to this democracy!…”
• “I don’t care about your orders!”…”

The Honourable Deputy Prime Minister:
“Mr Speaker, Sir, in view of your decision to name the Honourable Shakeel Mohamed, I beg under Standing Order 17(3) to take the time of the House for urgent business.”

Dr the Honourable Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Local Government and Disaster Risk Management SECONDED.

Mr Speaker put the following question:
“The question is that the Honourable Deputy Prime Minister be allowed under Standing Order 17(3) to take the time of the House for urgent business. Those in favour say AYE. Those against say NO. The AYES have it.”

The Honourable Deputy Prime Minister:
“Mr Speaker, Sir, having obtained your permission, I beg to move under Standing Order 29(1) to present a motion without notice.
Dr the Honourable Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Local Government and Disaster Risk Management SECONDED.

Mr Speaker put the following question:
“The question is that the Honourable Deputy Prime Minister be allowed under Standing Order 29(1) to move a motion without notice. Those in favour say AYE. Those against say NO. The AYES have it.”

The Honourable Deputy Prime Minister:
“Mr Speaker, Sir, in view of your decision to name the Honourable Shakeel Mohamed, I beg to move that the Honourable Shakeel Mohamed, be suspended from the service of the Assembly for today’s sitting and the next 4 sittings unless unreserved apologies are tendered to the House.”
Dr the Honourable Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Local Government and Disaster Risk Management SECONDED.

Mr Speaker put the following question:
“The question is that the Honourable Shakeel Mohamed be suspended from the service of the Assembly for today’s sitting and the next 4 sittings unless unreserved apologies are tendered to the House. Those in favour say AYE. Those against say NO. The AYES have it.”

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