Le Cabinet des Ministres a donné son accord pour la signature d’un protocole d’accord entre le MInistère de l’Educatuion et la Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation concernant la programmation et la diffusion des programmes éducatifs ainsi que des informations dans les journaux radios et télévisuels.
Cabinet has agreed to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology and the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation for the broadcast of programmes pertaining to the education sector. The Memorandum of Understanding provides, inter alia, for:
(a) the broadcast of communiqués during Radio and TV news regarding national educational issues; and
(b) the broadcast of educational programmes on relevant MBC channels during a time period falling within normal schooling hours in case of unforeseen school closure during national emergencies.
(a) the broadcast of communiqués during Radio and TV news regarding national educational issues; and
(b) the broadcast of educational programmes on relevant MBC channels during a time period falling within normal schooling hours in case of unforeseen school closure during national emergencies.