Cette journée mondiale sera célébrée le 22 mars 2024 dans le pays et des activités seront organisées pour marquer l’évènement.
The Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities in collaboration with the Central Water Authority (CWA), the Wastewater Management Authority and the Water Resources Unit (WRU) would organise, inter alia, the following activities:
(a) an exhibition on water hosted by the Agence Française de Développement at l’Institut Français de Maurice;
(b) an exhibition and open days highlighting CWA facilities at La Marie Water Treatment Plant;
(c) a tree planting event at Salazie Service Reservoir and at La Nicolière Water Treatment Plant, in collaboration with HSBC and the Lions Club of Quatre Bornes;
(d) an Epanet training session with officers of that Ministry, the CWA, the WRU and the Irrigation Authority; and
(e) an amateur artist fresco competition for both aspiring and amateur artists.