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World Blood Donor Day 2024

Le ministère de la Santé va organiser de nombreuses activités dans le cadre de cette journée qui est célébrée le 14 juin de chaque année.

Cabinet has taken note of the activities being organised by the Ministry of Health and Wellness to mark World Blood Donor Day 2024 under the theme ‘Share Life, Give Blood’ which would be observed worldwide on 14 June 2024. The objectives of this year’s campaign would be to:
(a) inspire younger people and encourage them to sign up and start donating so that the donor population rate does not decline but remains sustainable;
(b) encourage more rare blood types donors to donate blood;
(c) ensure blood stocks which are essential in case of natural and man-made disasters; and
(d) raise awareness of blood donation and thus increase supply of blood in order to save a maximum of lives.

The Ministry of Health and Wellness would organise several activities in collaboration with the Blood Donors Association comprising, inter alia, blood donation at Loreto College, Port Louis, awareness campaigns through radio and TV programmes, extension of Pledge 15 Clubs in Secondary Schools and University Campus and a video production competition on the importance of blood donation to sensitise young blood donors.

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