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Niteshen Tayelamay est le nouveau Clerk Assistant de l’Assemblée Nationale

Dans une déclaration au Parlement, le Speaker a annoncé que Niteshen Tayelamay a été nommée Niteshen Tayelamay et il a pris ses fonctions le 9 juillet 2024.

Hon. Members, I have a few announcements to make.

Firstly, I have to inform the House that Mr Niteshen Tayelamay has joined the Clerk’s Table as Clerk Assistant.

Mr Tayelamay joined the Civil Service as Management Support Officer in August 2014.

He was subsequently appointed as Court Officer at the Judiciary in October 2017 and Court Usher in January 2019.

Prior to joining the National Assembly, he held the post of Analyst at the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development.

He holds a Bachelor degree in Law and Management from the University of Mauritius, a Master of Business Administration from the Open University of Mauritius, a Master of Laws in Financial and Commercial Law from the University of Central Lancashire.

On behalf of the House and in my own name, I extend a warm welcome to Mr Niteshen Tayelamay and wish him a successful professional career.

I now invite Mr Niteshen Tayelamay to join the Table.

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